Each Section meets one night per week during Queensland State School terms. The Sections do not meet during school holidays.
Individual Section Leaders may modify these times based on factors including public holidays.
New Members: Contact details as provided within the Youth Member Registration will be recorded within the Scout Membership System (SMS).
These details are also used for Scouts | Terrain, Operoo and our Group's accounting software program Xero.
Existing Members: Parents and/or guardians are requested to notify our Leader in Charge (LIC) should there be a change in any contact details.
Please note that database updates can only be performed by our LIC.
Non-Returning Members: Parents and/or guardians of members who are not returning to Scouting are requested to email our LIC, advising of this decision.
Our Group appreciates that members may wish to pursue other activities!
To email our Leader in Charge with updated details, please click here: gl@tamborinemtn.scoutsqld.com.au
Round 11 of the FairPlay Voucher program is closed. All Vouchers must be presented no later than 06 June 2025.
From 1 July 2024, an additional 150,000 FairPlay vouchers of up to $200 will be available to every Queensland child aged 5 to 17 years,
with another 50,000 vouchers of up to $200 for children under the current eligibility criteria.
Parents, carers or guardians can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their child,
which can be used towards sport and active recreation membership, registration or participation fees with registered activity providers.
There is a limit of one voucher per child per calendar year.
Further information is available here: www.qld.gov.au/fairplayvouchers
All Vouchers are to be provided to our Group for processing and the application of credit within Xero!
All Youth Members are required to contribute to their Scouting experience through the payment of two seperate fees (marked with the ★).
★ Bi-Annual Association Registration: Scouts Queensland require each youth member, young adult, leader and adult supporter to be registered,
and place a membership fee (also known as a registration fee) per person covering a six month period.
Membership renewal fees and new Member fees provide for the following: E-Learning Module access, Scouts Terrain Levy, Scouts Australia Levy, Operoo,
World Organisation of Scout Movement Levy, Compliance and Regulatory requirements (financial and operational recording and reporting, Asset recording), Volunteer Personal Accident Insurance,
Branch Support Office Operations and Scouting Experience support (grants, property management, events, accounting, communications and volunteer support).
EXISTING MEMBERS - renewal fees in 2 x six-monthly payments - current as at 11 December 2024:
$135.00 - due March 2025 - provides membership from 01 April 2025 until 30 September 2025
$135.00 - due September 2025 - provides membership from 01 October 2025 until 31 March 2026
Please note: These fees are set by Scouts Queensland, NOT Tamborine Mountain Scout Group.
Our Group is merely the collection agency, and forwards all membership fees to Scouts Queensland.
From 01 April 2025, Scouts Queensland have included their annual Public Liability insurance within these fees.
Members will be issued seperate invoices for these fees within Term 1 and Term 3 of each year. Our account details are provided on each invoice.
Our preferred method of payment is via electronic funds transfer.
NEW MEMBERS - Current as at 11 December 2024:
January 2025
February 2025
March 2025
FROM 01 APRIL 2025 - $22.50 per month, up to the existing member renewal periods as per above.
For example, joining in May 2025 would see a membership fee for a youth member of $112.50 (5 x $22.50 - taking membership through to 30 September 2025).
Scouts Queensland will issue an invoice directly to the new member via email. Payment options include direct deposit or credit card (via Stripe).
Payment is required within 28 days. Non-payment will result in the automatic resignation of the new member.
Please note that 99% of future payments will be to our Group account, with our account details provided on each invoice.
A Youth Member who withdraws from the Movement within six (6) weeks of enrolling is eligible for a refund.
The application for a refund must be made in writing to the Branch Support Office within one (1) month of the Youth Member leaving.
★ Group Fees - Current as at 01 July 2023 (Paid regardless of whether the youth member or young adult attends every meeting night or not):
$80.00 per Term
These fees are used for each Section to purchase provisions and consumables,
and for Group related expenses including leases, electricity, water, leader training, registration, insurances, and equipment maintenance & purchases.
Group fees are set at the Annual Report Presentation.
Members will be issued an invoice for this fee each Term. Our account details are provided on this invoice.
Our preferred method of payment is via electronic funds transfer.
Any parent and/or guardian experiencing financial hardship is to contact our Leader in Charge: gl@tamborinemtn.scoutsqld.com.au
All correspondence will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence.
Please note that certain activities conducted away from the Den, for example camps or outings, may attract further costs.
These costs will be detailed to parents and/or guardians prior to each activity.
Tamborine Mountain Scout Group conducts regular fundraising activities, that assist our Group to maintain a low fee structure!
Fundraising activities include, however are not limited to, Bunnings BBQ's, Community BBQ's, Easter Raffles and carpark attendees at community events.
Emails will be sent seeking volunteers when required.
Our Group operates all fundraising as per our Group Fundraising Policy, current as at April 2024. (PDF 59KB)
PLEASE NOTE: Our Joey Unit (5 to 8 years) and Cub Unit (8 to 11 years) are required to operate within an adult to youth member ratio.
New members are requested to E-mail our Leader in Charge prior to attending a meeting night:
Information for new Youth Members:
The enrolment of Youth Members into the Scout Movement is achieved by the completion of the on-line Youth Member Registration Form and the payment of the appropriate fee.
The Youth Member's membership and insurance commences on the date of this application.
Parents, Guardians, or Caregivers will be provided with a link to the on-line Membership Application portal contained with the Scouts Queensland website.
Please note that our Group Leader receives an automated email indicating that the application has been submitted, with the ability to modify the application if required, before approving.
Our Group Leader also has the ability to decline an application, if the applicant has not made prior contact with the Group.
In the event that the youth decides not to pursue membership, provided it is within six weeks of joining, the parents and/or guardians can apply to the
Branch Support Office in writing for a refund of membership fees.
If a youth member is financial when resigned and another on-line application is received later in the same financial year for that youth member,
the youth will be re-instated and no fee will be incurred.
Scouts QLD approved the roll out of Operoo (formerly known as CareMonkey) for all Scout Groups in QLD in March 2019.
The implementation of Operoo is a sub project of the Group Management Software Project (GMS),
and it will introduce online forms for families that will support the local management of medical details and permissions.
Groups will now be able to manage Scout activities and the permissions to attend through an online, electronic process.
This will eliminate the need for paper C4 forms for these activities.
Our Group provides a Parent Information Book, which contains valuable Scouting information, including Leader's contact details and New Badge Placement Diagram.
If printing, please note that this resource is 16 pages in length.
Current update: September 2024
This book is available for download: Parent Information Book (PDF 1.31 MB)
Scouts Queensland have also produced a Parent Info Pack - current as at September 2024 (PDF 2.9 MB)
Scouts Queensland imposes a strict policy in dealing with bullying and personal safety. Tamborine Mountain Scout Group firmly supports this policy, and will not tolerate bullying, abusive or disruptive behaviour in any form. For the benefit of the majority, youth members or young adults engaging in this type of behaviour will be removed from the Group.
In the event of this behaviour being identified, parents and/or guardians will be requested to remove their youth member regardless of location.
This may include when the youth member is camping, or participating in an activity away from our Den.
Scouts Queensland: Child Safe Scouting
Scouts Queensland respects the privacy of its members and places great importance on the personal information it may hold. This policy also extends to all forms of media, social media and web-based information sources. Parents and/or guardians of youth members are required to provide written permission before any image is used, with images only used to promote Scouting and the Tamborine Mountain Scout Group.
Tamborine Mountain Scout Group respects that some parents and/or guardians may not provide authorisation for their youth member's image to be used.
Any concerns in this regard are to be raised with our Group Leader, with all correspondence being treated in the strictest of confidence.
Queensland Branch Scouting Instructions (QBSI) places clear expectations on all members in respect of our social media presence.
Our Group operates a public Facebook page, along with a number of private pages for Group members only. All pages are monitored by members of our Leadership team.
No other forms of social media are supported by our Group.
Members are expected to behave in accordance with the Association’s policies, the Scout Promise and Law and the Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics for Adults in Scouting at all times.
Therefore, whether online or offline, Members should always:
★ respect the dignity of themselves and others;
★ act with consideration and good judgement;
★ respect every individual’s right to privacy and
★ demonstrate a high degree of individual responsibility.
Inappropriate use of social media includes but is not limited to:
★ content or tone that brings the Scout Movement into disrepute;
★ posting intimidating, humiliating, harassment, offensive, abusive, obscene, bullying, defamatory or derogatory material;
★ unlawful, misleading, malicious or discriminatory content;
★ posting sensitive or personal information of Members;
★ magery or content that convenes Child Protection Policies; or
★ disclosing confidential Scouts Queensland information.
'Empowering young people to their full potential through our Youth Program'
Please click on the following link to access: Strategic Plan 2024 - 2029
Youth members, young adults and Leaders are required to attend in full uniform, which includes section specific shirt, belt, scarf, woggle and enclosed shoes
(unless otherwise advised for individual meetings).
Parents and/or guardians are to note the Badge Placement Diagram.
The Broadwater District badge is to be attached in the diamond format: Broadwater District
Parents and/or guardians are required to purchase a uniform shirt, scarf and woggle prior to their youth member being invested.
All uniform items are available from The Scout Shop.
Parents and/or guardians can purchase these items without the requirement to log-in or create an account.
Shirt badges are provided from Group funds upon investiture. Please note that Record Books are being replaced with the Scouts | Terrain app.
Parents and/or guardians will be required to replace any of these items at their own expense if lost or damaged.
From Scouts Queensland: The style of clothing to be worn below the waist should be tailored slacks or skirt; however, the colour requirement is that these garments for all official occasions and functions should be sandstone.
These occasions are defined as: Awards Ceremonies e.g. Queen Scout's, BP Awards, Leader Awards etc.; Government House; ANZAC Day; Any public event; Jamborees, Moots, Ventures etc.; Interstate and overseas travel; Youth Forums and National Youth Council.
Navy blue, grey slacks, knee length shorts or skirts may be worn for Group meetings.
Neat, practical footwear is to be worn. Individual choice of black or brown shoes; boots or joggers.
All Members should dress appropriately for the type of activity in which they are participating.
General information and images on this page © Scouts Queensland and Scouts Australia
The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of Scouts Australia.